by rtdosen | Apr 20, 2015 | Ryan Dosen Real Estate Articles
3 Tips for Buying in a Seller’s Market By Ryan Dosen Homes remain in short supply and buyers are starting to get frustrated. Many areas are seeing legitimate seller’s market conditions, and unprepared buyers are finding themselves swinging and missing, or sometimes not even getting a chance to see homes as they pop on and off the market in a day or two. For many areas, gone are the days when buyers could arrogantly take their time circling over homes like vultures waiting for their prey to finally weaken and be victimized. Many have forgotten what it’s like to be in a seller’s market, but if you’re looking to buy a home this spring, you need to be prepared to act and to act quickly. Tip #1: Get Preapproved Before You Start Looking at Homes When it comes time to submit an offer, you’re going to need to show the seller that you’ve been preapproved for a mortgage sufficient to buy their home. Many buyers still think that they can casually browse the homes available and delay preapproval until they find the right home. This is a mistake. Sitting down with a mortgage professional for preapproval may only take 30 well-spent minutes. You’ll know what you can afford and you will leave the meeting with the paperwork you need to submit your offer. If you kick the can, it could take a day or two to get your meeting with the mortgage professional, and a day or two (or even hours) could be too long to wait in today’s market. Tip #2: Hire a Top Local Agent It is...
by rtdosen | Apr 8, 2015 | Ryan Dosen Real Estate Articles
Fed No Longer Patiently Waiting to Hike Rates By Ryan Dosen The Federal Reserve is no longer assuring the public and markets that it will be “patient” in raising interest rates. Fed Chair Janet Yellen did not give us an exact time frame for the rate hikes, but she did open the door for rates moving upward as early as June of this year. Many experts do not foresee rate hikes coming in June, but they are coming. The question is: when? Neither Patient Nor Impatient Up until its most recent announcement regarding U.S. monetary policy, the Fed’s message was that it was going to be “patient” in raising the federal funds rate, which still sits in the current 0 to ¼ percent target range. The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which a depository institution/bank lends funds maintained at the Federal Reserve to another depository institution overnight. When the Fed raises the cost for banks to borrow money, the interest rates banks’ customers will pay will follow suit. In this week’s announcement, the Fed notably removed its pledge to be “patient” in raising rates. However, Yellen stated that “just because we removed the word ‘patient’ from the statement doesn’t mean that we are going to be impatient.” Yellen further stated that the Fed’s “modification of the forward guidance should not be read as indicating that the committee has decided on the timing of the initial increase in the target range for the federal funds rate.” She also said that “this change does not mean that an increase will necessarily occur in June. Although, we can’t rule...
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